

バレエを通じて平和を願う『Ballet for Peace』の活動の一環として、長年の紛争と火山災害にて困窮に陥っているコンゴ民主共和国の難民キャンプを7月に弊社代表 吉野が訪れました。

■ 『Ballet for Peace』について (https://balletforpeace.com/

■ 前回のウガンダプロジェクトは2023年5月 世界各国の学習貧困地域で教育支援活動を行うNGO団体「なかよし学園」様にバレエ衣裳100着を寄贈し、ウガンダの難民キャンプにて子どもたちに届けていただきました。前回記事はこちら↓



■ 寄贈の意味や方法を、改めて考えるべきであることを現地で実感

■ 衣裳の寄贈について
「Ballet for Peace」の活動の一環として、またSDGsの取り組みとして、レンタルの役目を終えた衣裳をボランティア団体やNGO団体など、平和とSDGsに賛同し活用してくださる方々へ寄贈しております。

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「Our company President Yoshino visited the refugee camps in Democratic Republic of the Congo to share the peace for education with children wearing our used dresses and we had a sewing workshop for their mothers」
In May 2023,we donated our used dresses to “Nakayoshi gakuen” which works for helping education as an NGO around the world. Then this July,our president Yoshino visited children in the refugee camps to present dresses and share the happy time with dance and songs,wishing they don’t lose the hope to live.
GOMA, the town in the eastside of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, has suffered from many years of conflict, genocide, and volcanic eruptions, and many people in refugee camps are living with doubt and resignation in such an unreasonable situation.It is difficult to simply give supplies. If we prepare a lot of supplies, not enough all the time,giving only some people causes conflicts among people in such extreme conditions.

Along the instructions of local staffs,we gave some goods to a a part of children to avoid the conflictions,children and Yoshino who help wearing the dresses were able to communicate with smiling each other.

And,we had workshops,making small bags and hair accessories with our clothes and embellishments for ballet dresses,in order for their mothers who escaped and lost everything from the battlefield to find and start their work in the future.
Many mothers joined actively and asked Yoshino if they had some questions.Also Yoshino engrossed iit was a fulfilling time.

■We realized that we should reconsider the meaning and method of donating.
Support = sending money, food, and daily necessities is not the correct answer, and it is an immeasurable feeling for those of us who live conveniently.Many people and organizations all over the world want to save this situation and are looking for ways to do so.
We just should know,see,and act locally.We learned that it is important to do things that make local people happy and to let the world know about it.

■ About「Ballet for Peace」 (https://balletforpeace.com/
We launched a charity concert for supporting the local arts industry, which has been depressed by the deteriorating situation in Russia and Ukraine,as well as professional ballet dancers and academy students who have been forced to return to their home countries. And now we are spreading the scene of support not only Ballet to wish for peace in the world, succeeding the culture of Ballet.

■Donating costumes
Our used dresses are still good quality to use as ballet costumes,but they have to be replaced with new dresses.They are waiting in our storage for a new chance to work again,not only ballet.
We donate our used dresses as part of the charity event “Ballet for Peace” launched in the hope of peace and as a work on the SDGs.We are trying to search for some partners who work using our used dresses with new ideas.
Feel free to contact us.

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